Christ commissioned the church to make disciples of all peoples. We do this by partnering with our Global Teammates, Encompass World Partners, who share the gospel, plant churches, develop leaders, translate the Bible, provide clean water, care for orphans, and do countless other things all in the name of Jesus.  The missionaries are partnering with people in the Central African Republic, Chad, Cameroon, El Salvador, Germany, France, Japan, Brazil, United States, and Montenegro,  Many individuals also sponsor children through Compassion International.  Most of those children are in El Salvador.

Missionaries We Support

Delaware Grace supports missionaries through EnCompass Ministries.  We also support projects and schools in the Central African Republic.

  • Rachel Bauserman

    Rachel has been serving in Nagoya, Japan, since 2012. She served first as a teacher and now is a member of the MTW Next Asia-Pacific team. Next exists to serve the global church in reaching the nations and next generation for Christ.

    Rachel serves missionary families through education resourcing and relational ministry to their kids. In this role, she has the privilege of traveling to visit missionary kids as well as investing in their lives at MTW country, regional, and global events.

    Rachel has returned to the Unites States for her home mission assignment.  She will be getting engaged to Mitch, a young man who teaches high school history and Bible near LA.  He is also pursuing doctoral studies Christian Education.  Rachel will become the Director of NEXT Asia/Pacific Missionary Kid Care.  She will serve MK's and their families all over Asia virtually and will travel to Japan with some consistency.  

  • Greg & Sandrine Burgess

    Greg works with Encompass publishing, where they produce books, Bibles, and bible software in French.   Sandrin teaches in a local French school.  They are involved in a French church in their town of Macon.   They have 4 children. Encompass productions are for French speaking Africa as well as France.  They also produce children's books and have done a comic style Bible for youth as well as the African study Bible.  

    Without a doubt, the Great Commission will be fulfilled on not one platform, but on thousands; not by one creative idea, but millions. The creative media Greg Burgess has developed over the years is one of many innovative pursuits for reaching the nations around the world today. He saw the need, saw the potential, and took action to make exciting things happen.

  • Jason & Christy Carmean

    Jason is the new Africa Director for  Encompass World Partners.  Soon the Carmeans will be transitioning back to Ashland, Ohio.  Currently Jason is busy recruiting the next class of Bible Institue students.  Josiah is in his final semester of high school.  When the family returns to the United States Josiah will enter college.  Daughter Micaela just gave birth to their second child.  All three children are in the United States and now the entire family will be based here. 

  • Kristina & Josh Carter

    Due to the passing of Carolyn, Kristina and Josh have left their home in Bosnia and returned to the United States.  The Carters now live in Battle Creek, Michigan.  Josh works for Alongside Ministries.  Kristina is working part time with Global Partners as a writer for the communications team while also working some with Alongside Ministries.  Kristina is home schooling Ivy and Lucy. Pray for our family as we all adjust to many changes.  

  • Compassion International

    Pray for the students, their families, and the Compassion staff.  Pray for Pastor Angel Rivera who had been a leader there for a very long time. The support through Compassion International gives a child life-changing opportunity to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically and economically. It's a relationship more powerful than poverty — changing their life and yours! A donation provides:

    • Health Care
    • Age-Appropriate Christian Teaching
    • Hygiene Training
    • Education & Vocational Training
    • Nutrition & Water
    • Mentorship, Guidance & Love
  • Steve & Celeste Kern

    In recent years, God has brought nearly two million migrants and refugees to Germany. After serving in this country for six years back in the 90s, Steve and Celeste are following God’s call to rejoin the Encompass staff here with a heart to minister to the least reached in Germany, where they are joining an international team of disciple-makers.

    They are excited that God is bringing the least reached within reach. Their vision is to see an international church established in Germany where people of different languages, backgrounds, and cultures can find their place in a local body of Christ. 

    Thank you for partnering with Steve and Celeste. Your support helps them to realize their vision. Your gift allows this couple to live and serve the least reached during a tumultuous time in their lives as they seek a new home and a new life.

  • Matt & Boo Kuchers

    Since 1995 we have had the privilege of sharing Christ with hundreds of students and leading many to a personal faith in Him though our connection with CRU.  Every year a growing number of students become "fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19) leading more of their friends, roommates and teammates to get involved. There is still strong opposition at this school to sharing Jesus Christ and His message of love, hope & eternal life, but nothing seems to thwart God's movement on this OWU campus.

    We also have a growing Coaches Ministry at OWU...a majority of the teams are represented and we are seeing these "Team Leaders" place their faith in Jesus.  As well, many of them are influencing their fellow colleagues in the athletic department toward a personal relationship with Christ - "...faithful men who will be able to teach others also." (2 Timothy 2:2)We have recently launched a growing & successful ministry to CEO's, Entreprenurs and Influential Marketplace Leaders ~ The "Athletes of the Marketplace" ~ called "MI3" (Men of Influence Influencing Influencers). They are BEING TRANSFORMED TO TRANSFORM their lives, marriages, families, workplace and respective communities.  So, in addition to the growing impact that we have on the universities, we are also WINNING, BUILDING & SENDING these marketplace leaders!

  • Mary Kate Kuchers

    Mary Kate will be going back to teaching middle school and high school in Quito, Ecuador.  She will be teaching Digital Design, Yearbook, and English as a Second Language course.  She will serve as the College and Career Advisor at Alliance Academy.  

    Mary Kate is still on staff  with Grace Global Ministries based out of Cedarville.   I'm excited to see what God has in store for me!

  • Hand in Hand Schools

    Throughout the villages scattered across the rolling hills, plains, and jungles of the Central African Republic (CAR), thousands of orphaned children struggle to survive. In this culture, it is required that when someone dies, his brother adopts his children. As a result, most families here have more children than they are able to care for.

    To meet this need, we partner with local churches in the CAR to provide three years of foundational schooling for these orphaned kids. This ministry is called Hand in Hand, and there are currently 40 schools that care for around 1,800 children.

    Our gift supports these partnerships by providing school supplies, salaries for the teachers, and meals for the kids. Not only does this relieve their families, but it also paves the way for these children to get an education, opening doors to countless opportunities down the road when they are adults.

    And since these schools are partnered with local churches, they are built on the foundation of Jesus Christ, and they teach of Him and His love to kids who don’t know Him yet—which could change their lives forever.

    We support two schools run by the church in Sakpa. Our two teachers are Jean Pierre and Hortence. Both have been serving in this position for several years. Barb Wooler serves as our point of contact for our HnH schools.

  • The Timothy Project

    For over a decade, the Timothy Project has connected students at our Bible Institute in the Central African Republic (CAR) with sponsors who support their education. In addition to assisting students, this initiative helps local churches as these students become church leaders after they graduate. The Timothy Project is now expanding to support students in Chad and Cameroon, and we are looking for 50 new sponsors. We thank God for those who have supported the Timothy Project for over ten years! Pray that God raises up additional partners as this ministry expands.

  • Dave Pacheco

    Dave is serving with Encompass World Partners as the Director of Mobilization and Recruitment.  Recently Dave attended an international conference in Portugual.  Dave and his co-workers are currently working to expand the reach of Encompass missionaries in Thailand.

  • Will and Emma Ferguson

    Will and Emma are from the Columbus area and are working to join a team of missionaries in Yamanashi, Japan.  Will and Emmas will connect with people through teaching English, mom meet-ups, and rock climbing.  The couple have two young sons.  They are currently working to raise the rest of their funding to be able to serve in Japan.