Spreading God's Love

At Delaware Grace, we reach out to serve others and help them know the spiritual freedom that comes through a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We strongly believe that service is itself a means of worship and is essential in the discipleship process. At Delaware Grace, you can give your talents and passion and help spread the Gospel to the nations.

And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." Mark 16:15


Our goal as a church is to reach our community for Jesus. One of the ways we do this is to serve on 5th Sundays. Each month that has 5 Sundays (typically 4 in a year) we serve at several locations throughout the community during our normal church service time. These serving projects include cleaning, packing pet food, small construction projects and various others - anything we can do to help those in need. Join us next time as we share the love of Jesus throughout Delaware County!